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08 Octobre 2022

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Prénom : Tabron441
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This action can not escape the eyes of Rong Jin, at the same time. Rong Jin heart produced a trace of doubt, Su Yunfang heart something, and people are not so wily, cover up very well. It is reasonable to say that if she has bad intentions, with her own understanding of Duan Yang, it is bound to be discovered, but why can she stay with him? "Rabbit, order." Xie Lichen handed the menu to Rong Jin. Why do you call him a rabbit? Su Fangyun asked in puzzlement. Oh, he.. Xie Lichen just wanted to say that because he danced the rabbit dance well, the bone of his calf was hit by Rong Jin. He had a chicken skin all over his body, rubbed his legs, and smiled to let Rong Jin continue to order. Rong Jin raised his glass to drink water while looking at the menu. There are Xianbei and Sashimi, as well as fresh shrimp dishes, your favorite eel and fried shrimp are available, very fresh. Duan Yang smiled and recommended Rong Jin to eat vegetables, Xie Lichen heard to curl his mouth, good guy, are Rong Jin like! Rong Jin also did not affectation, picked like to eat, anyway today and two landlords, can be a good meal. In addition, he is not very interested in Duan Yang now, but care about the eyes of Su Fangyun, always feel. She's a little weird. Later, Xie Lichen and Duan Yang chatted without a word. Duan Yang said that Xie Lichen was more handsome than he looked on TV. Are you interested in endorsing the brand. Xie Lichen said that the award, his agent brand requirements are very strict, it is best to find a broker to discuss. Duan Yang said Xie Lichen carefully, people do not have to be so careful! Xie Lichen said that there is no way, there are too many bad people these days. Duan Yanggan laughed and said that he was joking, and Xie Lichen said that he had a sense of humor. In short, people who don't know what's going on think that they have a good friendship, so they talk and laugh,x56 line pipe, while Rong Jin, who really understands the inside story, is listening to the meaning of some guns and sticks. Rong Jin did not quite understand why Xie Lichen was so hostile to Duan Yang, but he was in a good mood. In addition, after sitting together for a period of time, Rong Jin clearly felt that Su Fangyun was not a lady, in other words, she should not be born as a daughter. Because she looks a little too clever and considerate, it seems that she cares about Duan Yang's feelings. Is it true that the heart belongs to something? When the meal arrived, Rong Jin found that when Su Fangyun took the knife and fork, her fingers were slightly strange, and the fingers of the ring finger of her right hand were slightly bent inward. Rong Jin is stupefied, this kind of finger shape he understands very much, it is to practice a gun all the year round to be able to cause. An ordinary actress should not have this finger shape, right? Weird! Xie Lichen sat aside, knowing that he was in a daze about Su Fangyun's affairs and was afraid that he would be exposed, 316 stainless steel plate ,x52 line pipe, so he stuffed a prawn into his mouth. Rong Jin didn't care. He was used to it anyway, so he chewed it. Xie, who was sitting not far away, exclaimed in the morning, "Well done, Big Brother!"! That's the way to take the initiative. Cao Wende also saw some clues, "alas, that Duan Yang seems to be really interested in Rong Jin?" "Yes, when you look at him, his eyes are staring at Rong Jin for a moment, and his girlfriend's eyes are not looking at Jin Jin!" Cao Wende smiled and stuffed a fried shrimp into his mouth in the morning. In his opinion, Xie Lichen had no advantage, but his brother was well raised! Rong Jin and Xie Lichen's intimacy but attracted the attention of Su Fangyun, she quietly looked around Duan Yang, want to look at him to exchange a look, get some hints. But Duan Yang at this time there is no expression on his face, it seems that he did not notice, the woman's intuition let Su Fangyun pay more attention to the two people's movements. Xie Lichen did not know whether it was intentional or not, but also took a napkin to wipe Rong Jin's mouth. Rong Jin knew that he was in a daze just now, which might arouse suspicion, and he was used to it in the past, so he did not stop it. This was the result of Xie Lichen's touching him on weekdays. You two have a good relationship. Su Yunfang asked tentatively, "It's rare to see a star and a bodyguard have such a good relationship." "Cough." Rong Jin just wanted to give Xie Lichen a look to restrain him, but he said with a little pride, "Who said he was my bodyguard, a lover.". ” Su Yunfang opened her mouth wide and said that she had not seen this one in so many gossip magazines. It doesn't matter. Is this the best actor coming out of the closet? And Xie Lichen looked at Duan Yang's face again, a white face, ah, but also green, Xie Lichen more and more sure that the guy is still in love with Rong Jin. But he was so proud that he looked at Duan Yang's face, but he forgot that Rong Jin also heard him speak, and this man began to talk nonsense again. I stepped on his foot. Xie Lichen took a breath and almost shouted out, surprised to see Rong Jin, he saw a face of anger, feet also increased some strength. Xie Lichen grinned his teeth and pulled his feet out, darling-so fierce! "Oh." Su Yunfang couldn't help laughing and thought the interaction between the two was very interesting. I haven't heard about it in the magazine. Duan Yang asked with a smile, "Does this kind of explosive news tell me that this producer doesn't matter?"? Aren't you afraid I'll take it out for hype? Xie Lichen shrugged his shoulders to show that he didn't care, but he heard Rong Jin say, "Don't listen to his nonsense." Duan Yang raised the corners of his mouth gently, as if relieved. Xie Lichen is looking at Rong Jin in a twinkling of an eye-Rabbit, how can you tear me down at the critical moment? Which side are you on?! Rong Jin stared him back and turned to Duan Yang and said, "I'm the bodyguard, or." Friends, so more familiar. Xie Lichen is heartbroken. But it's nice to rise from annoying rookie to friend. Duan Yang shook his head and held the cup to thank Li Chen. "Mr. Xie has a good friend. Congratulations." Xie Lichen listens awkwardly, Lao Tzu is a friend you congratulate me, just is a lover not necessarily you congratulate! He sighed and blinked at Su Yunfang, who was still full of curiosity. "No way, shy?" Su Yunfang covered her mouth and smiled knowingly. Without waiting for Rong Jin to get angry, Xie Lichen hurriedly raised the cup to clink glasses with Duan Yang, "isn't it just a good friend.." One specifically emphasizes the word "good", and the other is not smiling. The moment the cup touched, suddenly, I saw a bright spot appear on the cup. Xie Lichen a frown,uns c70600, suddenly felt a chill, he is familiar with this feeling-is dangerous! Rong Jin and Duan Yang said at the same time, "not good!" 。 lksteelpipe.com

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